Notice: Account Suspension for Abuse
Jan 21, 2025, 12:00 AM by ifengDear Users,
Since the launch of the HiDNS free domain system, thousands of users have registered to use our services. We sincerely appreciate your trust and are committed to ensuring the stable operation of our domain resolution system while preventing abuse.
Recently, after conducting a thorough data analysis, we have suspended several accounts and the domains created by those accounts due to abusive behavior. If you have received a system email from HiDNS notifying you that your account and domains have been suspended, and you believe this action was taken in error, please contact us promptly. We deeply apologize for any inconvenience caused and ask for your understanding. Taking action against abusive accounts is necessary to ensure a stable and reliable service for everyone.
To appeal the suspension, please send an email to [email protected] following the format below. Our team will review your case manually in accordance with the HiDNS Terms and Conditions. If your appeal is valid, we will reactivate your account.
Email Format:
- Subject: Request to Reactivate <Your Email> Account
- Body: Please reactivate the account associated with <Your Email> and the domains <> or <>.
- Attachments: A scanned copy of your identification document.
Thank you for your cooperation.
January 21, 2025